
Catalog > Accessories > Strength > Terms: AJAY fun and fitness manual [X]

Catalog Part Matches (4)  

Showing Parts: 1 - 4 Of 4

Pad, Seat, Nautilus
This seat was used on Nautilus or Bowflex products. The seat is 21"" wide and 11" front to back. The hole pattern on this seat is a 4 hole trapezoida. . .
$64.02 / each
Ab Crunch & Tricep Strap
Abdominal crunch and Tricep strap for multi-station gyms.
$53.47 / each
Handle, Strap
Dual length strap handle.   Two "D" rings allow you to use one handle in place of a short handle (7 inches) and a long handle (11 inches).
$39.30 / each
Weight, Add-on, 5lb
5LB Steel Add-on Weight.  4" diameter and designed for guide rods smaller than 1".  
$27.16 / each

Showing Parts: 1 - 4 Of 4

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