Catalog > Electronics > Motor and Alternator Brushes > Alt brush, Prestolite Brown

Alt brush, Prestolite Brown

$24.75 / each

$24.01 / each

Catalog Number: 4000107

Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Altenator Brushes - Brushes used on Prestolite Altenators with Brown brush cap used by StairMaster


**NOTE** The brushes on this part are very fragile. Use caution when installing this part.

This item is non-returnable.

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Listed on the following equipment:
StairMaster - 4000PT
StairMaster - 4200PT
StairMaster - 4400CL
StairMaster - 4400PT
StairMaster - 4400PT - C2
StairMaster - 4400PT - C40
StairMaster - 4400PT - C5
StairMaster - 4600CL
StairMaster - 7000PT

* Images may not be identical to part.

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