Controller, Motor, 110 V

Controller, Motor, 110 V - Product Image

$436.97 / each

$419.49 / each

+ $60.00 refundable core charge

Catalog Number: 49014509

In Stock - Limited. (Explain)

Motor control board.

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Listed on the following equipment:
Advanced Fitness Group - 2.7AT - TM685D - 2015
Advanced Fitness Group - 3.1AT - TM459 - 2012 (After SN TM4261208BC00001)
Advanced Fitness Group - 3.1AT - TM459 - 2012 (Before SN TM4261208BC00001)
Advanced Fitness Group - 3.3AT - TM438 - 2014
Advanced Fitness Group - 5.3AT - TM439E - 2014
Horizon - Horizon - CT7.1 - 2011 (SN TM633K127100326-Up)
Horizon - Horizon - CT7.2 - 2013 (TM685B)
Horizon - Horizon - T202 - 2011 (TM643)
Horizon - Horizon - T202-03 - 2013 (TM685)
Horizon - Horizon - T202-04 - (TM492 or TM726)
Horizon - Horizon - T203 - 2011 (TM644)
Livestrong - LS10.0T - 2011 (TM406)
Livestrong - LS10.0T - Canadian 2011 (TM406B)
Livestrong - LS10.0T-C2 - 2012 (TM438C)
Livestrong - LS10.T-02 - 2012 (TM438)
Livestrong - LS13.0T-02 - 2012 (TM439)
Livestrong - LS13.0T-C2 - 2012 (TM439C)
Livestrong - LS8.0T - 2011 (TM641)
Livestrong - LS8.0T - 2011 (TM641B-2KM)
Livestrong - LS8.0T - Canadian 2011 (TM652)
Livestrong - LS8.0T-C2 - 2013 (TM683C)
Vision Fitness - Classic - TF20 - 2012 - Titanium Silver (TM432 & TM435)
Vision Fitness - Classic - TF20-03 - 2014 - Titanium Silver (TM432C & TM435)
Vision Fitness - Elegant + - TF20-03 - 2014 - Titanium Silver (TM432C & TM473)
Vision Fitness - Elegant + - TF40-03 - 2014 - Titanium Silver (TM434C & TM473)
Vision Fitness - Elegant - TF20 - 2012 - Titanium Silver (TM432 & TM436)
Vision Fitness - Touch+ - TF20-03 - 2014 - Titanium Silver (TM432C & TM474)

* Images may not be identical to part.

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