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Listed on the following equipment:
Advanced Fitness Group - 2.0AS - (GM206)
Matrix - 3 - Stack Multi - Gym - 04
Matrix - Abdominal Crunch - PGM48-KM
Matrix - Converging Chest Press - PGM41-KM
Matrix - Converging Shoulder Press Bench - G3-PL23P - Iced Silver
Matrix - Converging Shoulder Press Bench - G3-PL23P - Polarized Titanium
Matrix - Dip/Chin Assist - G2-S60P - (GM21)
Matrix - Diverging Lat Pull - G3-S33P - Polarized Titanium
Matrix - Diverging Lat Pulldown - PGM42-KM
Matrix - Diverging Seated Row - PGM43-KM
Matrix - Free Weight - G1-MG30LS
Matrix - Hip Abductor - G7-S75 PY - Silver
Matrix - Hip Adductor - PGM50-KM
Matrix - Lat Pull - G3-S30P - Polarized Titanium
Matrix - Lat Pulldown - G3-PL33P - Polarized Titanium
Matrix - Leg Extension - PGM44-KM
Matrix - Leg Extention - G2-S71P - (GM08)
Matrix - Leg Press - PGM49-KM
Matrix - Plate Loaded Supine - PPL02KM
Matrix - Seated Leg Curl - G7-S72 PY - Iced Silver
Matrix - Seated Leg Curl - G7-S72 PY - Silver
Matrix - Seated Leg Curl - PGM45-KM
Matrix - Supine Bench Press - G3-PL13P - Polarized Titanium
Matrix - T5x - (FTM501E, CTM501D)
Matrix - T5x - T5x - 07 - (FTM501E, CTM519)
Matrix - T5x - T5x-04-G4 - (FTM501C, CTM501C)
Matrix - T7x - (FTM501E, CTM502D)
Matrix - T7xe - (FTM501E, CTM503F, CTM503G)
Matrix - T7xe - T7xe-01-G4 - (FTM501, CTM503)
Matrix - T7xe - T7xe-02-G4 - (FTM501C, CTM503D)
Matrix - T7xe - T7xe-03 - (FTM501E, CTM520, CTM520B)
Matrix - T7xi - (FTM501E, CTM521D)
Matrix - T7xi - T7xi-02-G4 - (FTM501C, CTM502C)
Matrix - Triceps Press - G7-S42 PY - Silver
Matrix - Varsity - G1-GM167 - Silver
Vision Fitness - Deluxe - E1500 - Titanium Silver - (CB143, RB131)
Vision Fitness - Leg Extension - ST750 - Grey - (GM86)
Vision Fitness - Premier - E1500 - Titanium Silver - (CB143, RB132)
Vision Fitness - Simple - E1500 - Titanium Silver - (CB143, RB130)
* Images may not be identical to part.