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Just wanted to give you positive feedback. I'm sure you don't get enough of that. I just found your site and I am so pleased at how easy it is to find parts and the diagrams are fantastic! I also love that you give service centers location nearby!! So here's a big Thumb's up up!!!!

Susan E.
Rustburg, VA

Hi, just wanted to say thanks for the 2 wheels for my machine that I ordered. I searched the entire web for these wheels and FRP was the only ones that had them other than (un-named competitor) and on top of that your price was unbelievable. their price was 8X's your price, more than what I paid for my elliptical that I bought used. When I called them they made like if you want it, pay for it. Glad there was another choice. Thanks for the sale !!!!!!!!! Very satisfied customer. Aloha
Dennis T.
Mililani, HI
