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Attachment, Squat, Right

This part is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. You cannot purchase this part. Can I still get this?

List Price: $137.75 / Each

Online Price: $133.62 / Each

Catalog Number: 67000131

Right Squat Attachment

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $13.77 off List Price of $137.75.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


A customer created this ticket : I received my Nautilus T616 power cord today.
It was a huge blessing having arrived so fast!

I ordered a replacement motor for my treadmill. We were very careful in identifying the correct motor up front and the vendor's site enabled us to do that, I received the motor quickly and we were able to install the motor based upon the instructions, We were very satisfied
John B
Doylestown, OH
