


Harness, Wire

List Price: $7.52 / each

Online Price: $7.29 / each


Out of Stock. (Explain)

Catalog Number: 6003154

PFTL40580, 297950

Used on the following models:


385 C - PFTL39190
385 C - PFTL39191
385 C - PFTL39192
385 C - PFTL39193
425 - PCTL93070
525 - PCTL32061
525 C - PFTL58590
525 EX - PCTL52580
525 EX - PFTL52580
585 - 831.297670 - Sears
585 - 831.297680 - Sears
585 - 831.297681 - Sears
585 - 831.297682 - Sears
585 - 831.297683 - Sears
585 - PCTL58570
585 - PFTL58570
585 - PFTL58571
585 - PFTL58572
585 EX - PCTL58590
585 EX - PFTL5858.0
585 EX - PFTL58581
585 EX - PFTL58582

585 TL - PCTL42062
585 TL - PFTL42064
730 - PCTL70071
730 - PFTL70070
730 Sightline - 831.297940
Crosstrainer - 831.297461 - Sears
Crosstrainer - 831.297462 - Sears
Crosswalk DL - PFTL40180
Crosswalk GT - 831.297390 - Sears
Crosswalk LM - 831.297340
Crosswalk LM - 831.297341
Crosswalk LS - 831.297950
Crosswalk LS - PFTL40580
Crosswalk MX - PFTL49400
Crosswalk MX - PFTL49401
Crosswalk MX - PFTL49500
J4i - 831.297210
J4i - 831.297211
J4i - 831.297212
TL Crosstrainer - PCTL50070
TL Crosstrainer - PCTL50071


Cadence 1005 - WCTL30570
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39090
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39091
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39092
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39093
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39094
Cadence 1015 - WLTL41571
Cadence 1020 - WCTL28090
Cadence 1020 - WLTL28080
Cadence 1020 - WLTL28081
Cadence DL40 - WLTL51690
Cadence DL40 - WLTL51691
Cadence DX12 - WLTL31090

Cadence DX12 - WLTL31091
Cadence DX12 - WLTL31092
Cadence EX16 - WLTL39200
Cadence EX16 - WLTL39201
Cadence LS10 - WLTL44580
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42570
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42571
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42572
Cadence SL25 - WLTL48590
Cadence SL25 - WLTL48591
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93070
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93071

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.76 off List Price of $7.52.

* Images may not be identical to the part.

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