



Screw - Product Image

List Price: $1.93 / each

Online Price: $1.87 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 6001713


Used on the following models:


Health Strider - HRTL20000
Health Strider - HRTL20001

Health Strider - HRTL20002


EXPANSE 550 - 831.297150
EXPANSE 550 - 831.297151
EXPANSE 550 - 831.297152
EXPANSE 550 - 831.297153
Expanse 750 - 831.297491

Expanse 750 - 831.297492
Expanse 750 - 831.297493
SM1100 - 831.297530
SM1100 - 831.297531


Powertread - NCTL79061
Powertread - NTTL79060
Powertread - NTTL79061

Powertread Plus - NCTL99061
Powertread Plus - NTTL99060
Powertread Plus - NTTL99061


285T - PFTL29100
285T - PFTL29105
365 SI - QVTL91560
365 SI - QVTL91561
365 SI - QVTL91562
375 - PCTL31560 - Canadian
375 SI - PFTL31560
375 SI - PFTL31561
375 SI - PFTL31562
375 SI - PFTL31563
425 - PCTL93070
525 SE - PFTL52550
525 SE - PFTL52551
525 XT - PFTL57550
525 XT - QVTL22460
525 XT - QVTL22461
525 XT - QVTL22462
530si - PFTL53060
530si - PFTL53061
535 LE - 831.298400
580si - 831.297640 - Sears
580si - 831.297641 - Sears
580si - 831.297642 - Sears
580si - 831.297643 - Sears
580si - 831.297644 - Sears
585 C - PFTL34060
585Pi - PCTL59190
585Pi - PFTL59190
590 QS - 831.299240
590 QS - 831.299241
590 QS - 831.299242
590 QS - 831.299243
590 QS - 831.299244
590 QS - PCTL51900
725 C - PFTL35060
725si - PFTL72560
725si - PFTL72561
725si - PFTL72562
725xt - PFTL20560
725xt - PFTL20561
730si - 831.297740 - Sears
730si - 831.297741 - Sears
730si - 831.297742 - Sears
730si - 831.297743 - Sears
785 XT (EUROPE) - PETL20861
785 XT - PFTL20860

785 XT - PFTL20861
785 XT - PFTL20862
785 XT - PFTL20863
785 XT - PFTL20864
785XT - PETL20860
985 CD - 831.298300
985 CD - 831.298301
985 CD - PCTL98590
985 CD - PFTL98580
985 CD - PFTL98581
985 CD - PFTL98582
985 CD - PFTL98583
985 CD - PFTL98584
985 CD - PFTL98585
985 CD Coach - PCTL98583
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL21460
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL21461
Crosswalk CSI - PETL21460
Crosswalk CSI - PETL21461
Crosswalk CSI - PETL21462
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21460
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21461
Crosswalk sel - DRTL20760
Crosswalk sel - DRTL20761
Crosswalk si - DRTL20350
Crosswalk si - DRTL20351
Crosswalk si - PFTL20460
Crosswalk si - PFTL20461
Crosswalk si - PFTL20462
Crosswalk Space Saver si - 831.297360 - Sears
Crosswalk Space Saver si - 831.297361 - Sears
Crosswalk Space Saver si - 831.297362 - Sears
Crosswalks si - QVTL20350
Crosswalks si - QVTL20351
J6 - 831.297691
J6 - 831.297692
J6 - 831.297693
J6si - 831.297791
J6si - 831.297792
J6si - 831.297793
L18 - 831.298072
L18 - PCTL49490
L18 - PFTL49490
T10.0 - PFTL05050
T10.0 - PFTL05051
T10.0 - PFTL05052

Reebok (Icon)

RT 1000 - RETL16000
RT 1000 - RETL16001
RT 1000 - RETL16080
RT 1000 - RETL16081
RT 1000 - RETL16082

RT 2000 - RETL24000
RT 2000 - RETL24080
RT 2000 - RETL24081
RT 2000 - RETL24082


Cadence 10.5 - WLTL98760
Cadence 10.5 - WLTL98761
Cadence 740 - WLTL24080
Cadence 845 - WLTL84540
Cadence 845 - WLTL84560
Cadence 845 - WLTL84561
Cadence 845 - WLTL84562
Cadence 845 - WLTL84563
Cadence 920 - WETL21100
Cadence 920 - WETL92060
Cadence 920 - WETL92061
Cadence 920 - WETL92062
Cadence 920 - WETL92063
Cadence 920 - WLTL92060
Cadence 920 - WLTL92061
Cadence 920 - WLTL92062
Cadence 920 - WLTL92063
Cadence 920 - WLTL92064
Cadence 920 - WLTL92065
Cadence 927 - WCTL90060
Cadence 927 - WCTL90061
Cadence 927 - WCTL90062
Cadence 927 - WCTL90063

Cadence 930 - 831.297090
Cadence 930 - WCTL93060
Cadence 930 - WLTL93060
Cadence 930 - WLTL93061
Cadence 930 - WLTL93062
Cadence 930 - WLTL93063
Cadence 930 - WLTL93064
Cadence CT 10 - WLTL91060
Cadence CT 10 - WLTL91061
Cadence CT 10 - WLTL91062
Cadence CT 10 - WLTL91063
Cadence DL5 - WLTL21280
Cadence SR 12 - WLTL11560
Cadence SR 12 - WLTL11561
Cadence SR 12 - WLTL11562
Cadence SR 12 - WLTL11563
Cadence TS5 - WCTL50060
Cadence TS5 - WCTL50061
Cadence TS5 - WCTL50062
Cadence TS5 - WLTL50060
Cadence TS5 - WLTL50061
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93070
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93071

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.19 off List Price of $1.93.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


I just wanted to express my thanks for getting me the correct parts for our stair climber.. They worked great and I appreciate your quick shipping.. You made my wife happy which in turn makes me happy...

Thanks again
Don S

Sir or Ma'am,
I am a tread mill owner. Due to my job as being military parts to my treadmill were lost. My barely used Nordic Track has sat used for almost three months in pieces because Nordic Track needs part names. How can I give them a part name if don't even know what the part is. Your website came with pictures. Only website I have seen that does. I know this is an odd way of putting it, but thank you for blonde proofing parts for work out equipment. Owners across America greatly appreciate it.
Thank your for allowing me to use my equipment again.

Kira B.

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