


Switch, Lift

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Switch, Lift - Front View

List Price: $20.90 / each

Online Price: $20.27 / each

Catalog Number: 6000358

Lift switch.

Used on the following models:


Soft Strider TXB - HRTL27970


910 - IM349100
910 - IM391010
910 - IM391011
920 - IM392010

920 - IM392011
920 - IM392012
922 - IM392230


10.0 - 831.297041
10.0 ESP - 831.297510
6000 - 831.296860
6000 - 831.296861
6100 - 831.296620
6100 - 831.296621

Expanse 800 - 831.297170
Expanse 800 - 831.297171
Expanse 800 - 831.297172
EXPANSE 850 - 831.297190
EXPANSE 850 - 831.297191
EXTEND 10.0 - 831.297260


Powertread - NCTL79061
Powertread - NTTL79060

Powertread - NTTL79061


10.0 - PFTL85040
385 C - PFTL39190
385 C - PFTL39191
385 C - PFTL39192
385 C - PFTL39193
385 RP - PFTL39400
405 S - PETL40510
425 - PCTL93070
525 - PCTL32060
525 - PCTL32061
525 - PFTL32062
525 - PFTL52570
525 - PFTL52571
525 C - PFTL58590
525 E - PFTL49100
525 E - PFTL49101
525 E - PFTL49102
525 E - PFTL49103
525 EX - PCTL52580
525 EX - PFTL52580
525 SI - PETL32060
525 SI - PETL32061
525 SI - PETL32062
525 SI - PETL32063
525 SI - PETL32064
525 SI - PFTL32060
525 SI - PFTL32061
525EX - PETL52590
585 - 831.297670 - Sears
585 - 831.297680 - Sears
585 - 831.297681 - Sears
585 - 831.297682 - Sears
585 - 831.297683 - Sears
585 - PCTL58570
585 - PFTL58570
585 - PFTL58571
585 - PFTL58572
585 EX - PCTL58590
585 EX - PFTL5858.0
585 EX - PFTL58581
585 EX - PFTL58582
585 TL - 831.297660 - Sears
585 TL - 831.297661 - Sears
585 TL - 831.297662 - Sears
585 TL - DRTL42060

585 TL - PCTL42060
585 TL - PCTL42061
585 TL - PCTL42062
585 TL - PFTL42060
585 TL - PFTL42061
585 TL - PFTL42062
585 TL - PFTL42063
585 TL - PFTL42064
585EX - PETL58590
585EX - PETL58591
585TL - PETL42560
730 - PCTL70071
730 - PFTL70070
730 Sightline - 831.297940
785 TL - 831.297860 - Sears
785 TL - PCTL44060 - Canadian
785 TL - PFTL44060
785 TL - PFTL44061
Cross Trainer - PETL50070
Crosstrainer - 831.297460 - Sears
Crosstrainer - 831.297461 - Sears
Crosstrainer - 831.297462 - Sears
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL21460
Crosswalk CSI - PCTL21461
Crosswalk CSI - PETL21460
Crosswalk CSI - PETL21461
Crosswalk CSI - PETL21462
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21460
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21461
Crosswalk csi - PFTL21462
Crosswalk DL - PFTL40180
Crosswalk GT - 831.297390 - Sears
Crosswalk LS - 831.297950
Crosswalk LS - PFTL40580
Crosswalk MX - PFTL49400
Crosswalk MX - PFTL49401
Crosswalk MX - PFTL49500
Crosswalk Plus - 831.297350 - Sears
Crosswalk Plus - 831.297351 - Sears
Crosswalk Plus - DRTL00740
Crosswalk Pluse - PFTL00740
Power Incline T80i - PFT80I0
TL Crosstrainer - PCTL50070
TL Crosstrainer - PCTL50071


Cadence 10.0i - TL10.0I0
Cadence 10.0i - TL10.0I1
Cadence 10.0i - TL10.0I2
Cadence 1000 - WETL48500
Cadence 1005 - WCTL30570
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39090
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39091
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39092
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39093
Cadence 1005 - WLTL39094
Cadence 1015 - WLTL41570
Cadence 1015 - WLTL41571
Cadence 1016 ETS - WL460020
Cadence 1016 ETS - WL460021
Cadence 1020 - WCTL28090
Cadence 1020 - WETL28090
Cadence 1020 - WLTL28080
Cadence 1020 - WLTL28081
Cadence 10pi - WL402020
Cadence 10pi - WL402021
Cadence 5.0a - TL5.0A0
Cadence 930 - 831.297090
Cadence 930 - WCTL93060
Cadence 930 - WLTL93060
Cadence 930 - WLTL93061

Cadence 930 - WLTL93062
Cadence 930 - WLTL93063
Cadence 930 - WLTL93064
Cadence 940 - WETL21200
Cadence DL40 - WLTL51690
Cadence DL40 - WLTL51691
Cadence DX12 - WLTL31090
Cadence DX12 - WLTL31091
Cadence EX16 - WLTL39200
Cadence EX16 - WLTL39201
Cadence LS10 - WLTL44580
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42570
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42571
Cadence LX25 - WLTL42572
Cadence SL20 - WLTL33090
Cadence SL20 - WLTL33091
Cadence SL25 - WLTL48590
Cadence SL25 - WLTL48591
Cadenced EX20 - WETL21210
Epic - WL485010
ESP 8 - WC008030
ESP 8 - WC008031
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93070
Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93071

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $2.09 off List Price of $20.90.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Thanks for the great service. I just did the BBB Review and gave you guys 5 Stars.

Your site is very complete and easy to use, even looking for "out of manufacture" parts, which I expect is your bread and butter.

Which is to say, you do what you do very well.

It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Peter M
Spokane, WA

We were very pleased with our order: the price was right, delivery was great, the items received were what we needed.

Our machine is very old and we are too so we were glad that someone carried parts for it.

Joan A.
Mason, OH
