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BHSCS, 3/8-16 X 2 3/4, BRIGHT, Z

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Catalog Number: 24013389

BHSCS, 3/8-16 X 2 3/4, BRIGHT, Z

Used on the following models:

Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)

30° Peck FLy - 9PR-S2303C-XXXXX
Standing Calf - 9PR-1309CXXXXX

Star Trac Lying Leg Press LL - 9LL-S1302CXXXXX

Star Trac

30 deg. Pec Fly - 9LL-S2303AXXXXX
30 deg. Pec Fly - 9LL-S2303EXXXXX
Arm Curl - 9LL-S5305EXXXXXA
Arm Curl - 9PR-S5305CXXXXXA
Assisted Chin/Dip - 9PR-S1301CXXXXXA
Back Extension - 9LL-S3302EXXXXXA
Chest Press - 9LL-S5303EXXXXXA
Chest Press - 9PR-S3304CXXXXXX01
Chin/Dip - 9LL-S6302EXXXXXB
Chin/Dip - 9MS-S6302AXXXXXF
Deltoid - 9PR-S5303CXXXXXX01
Impact - 9LL-S4301EXXXXX
Impact - 9LL-S6301EXXXXX
Incline Chest Press - 9LL-S2301EXXXXXA
Incline Chest Press - 9PR-S2301CXXXXX
Incline Press - 9LL-S2301EXXXXX
Lat Pulldown - 9PR-S3305CXXXXXX01
Lateral Deltoid - 9PR-S4302CXXXXXX01
Leg Curl - 9LL-S1301DXXXXXA
Leg Press - 9LL-S1302EXXXXXA
Leg Press - 9PR-S1302AXXXXXA
LL Lat Pulldown - 9LL-S3305CXXXXXX05WC
Low Back Machine - 9LL-S3302CXXXXX

Lying Leg Press - 9LL-S1302EXXXXX
Pec Fly/Rear Deltoid - 9MS-S4304-XXXXXX01
Rotary Torso - 9LL-S3304AXXXXXD
Row - 9LL-S3301AXXXXXE
Row - 9LL-S3304EXXXXXA
Row - 9MS-S1311CXXXXXA
Row - 9MS-S2301CXXXXXX01
Row - 9MS-S2303CXXXXXX01
Row - 9MS-S3305AXXXXXE
Row - 9MS-S3306AXXXXXF
Row - 9PR-S3306AXXXXXE
Shoulder Press - 9LL-S4303EXXXXX
Shoulder Press - 9LL-S4303EXXXXXA
Shoulder Press - 9MS-S4303CXXXXXX01
Shoulder Press - 9PR-S4303CXXXXXA
Standing Calf - 9LL-S1309EXXXXX
Standing Calf - 9LL-S1309EXXXXXA
Standing Calf - 9MS-S1309AXXXXXC
Standing Calf - 9PR-S1309CXXXXX
Standing Calf - 9PR-S6302CXXXXXX01
Tricep Push Down - 9MS-S5303AXXXXXD
Uni-Laterla Row - 9LL-S3304AXXXXX
Vertical Row - 9LL-S3301AXXXXX
Vertical Row - 9LL-S3301EXXXXX

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Fast shipping, great price and it was an actual OEM part. Ordered from another website/seller and got a knockoff that did not work. Thank you very much.

Michael G

Just wanted to let you know - ordered belt 12/27 - received order less than a week later! Very satisfied. You were $20 cheaper than mfg and other supply sites, plus cheaper on shipping too! Thanks for starting your site & thanks for the great service. A++

Doug - Buffalo NY
