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List Price: $3.38 / each

Online Price: $3.28 / each


Currently In Stock! (Explain)

Catalog Number: 24011772


Used on the following models:

Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)

Adjustable Abdominal Bench - NP-B7510-XXXXX
Angled Leg Press - NP-L1141-XXXXX
Arm Curl Bench - NP-B7509
Biceps Curl - 9NP-L5002-XXXXX
Chest Press - NL-D5120-29AGS
Chest Press - NL-D6330-29AGS
Chin Dip Assist - NA-S6334-XXXXX
Dip Leg Raise Bench - NP-B7517-XXXXX
Hack Squat (Linear) - NP-L1130-XXXXX
High Row - 9NP-L3005-XXXXX
Incline Adjustable Bench - NP-B7519-XXXXX
Incline Chest Press - 9NP-L2003-XXXXX_B
Incline Chest Press - NL-D2120-29AGS
Incline Chest Press - NL-D3340-29AGS
Inspiration Glute / Ham - NP-B7520
Leg Curl - NL-S1010-29AGS
Leg Curl - NL-S1012-29AGS
Leg Curl - NL-S2100-29AGS
Leg Curl - NL-S3310-29AGS
Leg Extension - NL-D1014-29AGS
Leg Extension - NL-D2110-29AGS
Low Row - NA-S3306-XXXXX
Military Press - NL-S4100-29AGS

Military Press - NL-S5100-29AGS
Multi Adjust Bench - (NP-B7506)
Multi Five Station - 9NP-M9605-XXXXX
Multi Fourteen Station - 9NP-M9620-XXXXX
Multi Nine Station - 9NP-M9619-XXXXX
NN 2 Tier Dumbbell Rack - NN-R8001-29AAS
NN 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack - NN-R8002-29AAS
NP-R8010-XXAAX - (Rev. B)
Oly. Squat Rack - NP-R8008-XXAAX
Olympic Flat Bench - NN-B7503-29AGS
Olympic Incline Bench - NN-B7201-29AGS
Pec Fly/Rear Deltoid - NA-S4304-XXXXX
Prone Leg Curl - NA-S1301-XXXXX
Rotary Torso - NL-S1011-29AGS
Row - NL-S3320-29AGS
Seated Calf - 9NP-L1110
Smith Machine - NP-L8500-XXAAX
Tricep Extension - NL-S5110-29AGS
Triple Dumbell Rack - NP-R8011-XXAAX

Nautilus Residential

Chest Press - 9NP-l2002-XXXXX


Star Trac

Leg Curl - NA-S1313-XXXXX

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.34 off List Price of $3.38.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


Your order came in a timely fashion. I also note that the pulleys you sent me are of a much better quality than the ones that came with the Pro 9515 machine.

Thanks so much,

Norm G.

Treadmill motor arrived in very short time and was exactly the item needed. Very pleased with service.

Robert H
Princeton, WV
