


Paint Powder

Catalog Number: 17002152

Paint powder

Used on the following models:

Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)

Abdominal - IPAM2
Adjustable Hip Extension
Adjustable Hip Extension
Biceps Curl - S4BC
Cable Crossover
Cable Crossover - Cable Crossover
cable crossover - F2CC
Cable Crossover China
Chest Press - IPVP2
Compound Row
Compound Row
Dual Stack Freedom Trainer - F3FTD
EVO - S9PO Pullover
F2 Free Weight Barbell Rack
F2 Free Weight Olympic Supine Bench
F2 Free Weight Power Rack
F2 Free Weight Squat Rack
F2AT/F2CC Conversion - Rev. 2/23/2006
Gravitron - S9GRV
Hi-Low adjustable tower - F2AT
Hi-Low adjustable tower - F2AT-Left
Human Sport Arm Crunch - HSAC3 - Gen 3
Human Sport Gen 3 - HSPL3
Human Sport Gen 3 - HSSC3
Human Sport Lat - HSLP3 - Gen 3

Incline Press - P3IP
Inspiration Arm Curl - IPBA3 - Gen 3
Inspiration Biceps Curl - IPBC3 - Gen 3
Inspiration Gen 3 - IPAA3
Inspiration Gen 3 - IPVP3
Inspiration Glute Press - IPGM3 - Gen 3
Inspiration Shoulder Press - IPSP3 - Gen 3
Inspiration Vertical Row - IPVR3 - Gen 3
Lat Pulldown
Leg extension - S6LE
Leg Press - S9LP
Med-Fit Systems - S9LC
Nitro XPLoad Leg Extension
Nitro XPLoad Leg Press
Nitro XPLoad Overhead Press
Overhead Press - P3 Xpload Overhead Press
Overhead Press - S9OP
P3 Xpload Incline Leg Press - Rev. 8/22/2006
P3 Xpload Lat Pulldown - Rev. 3/30/2006
P3 Xpload Leg Extension - Rev. 2/23/2006
P3 Xpload Leg Press - Rev. 8/22/2006
P3 Xpload Prone Leg Curl - Rev. 2/23/2006
Prone Leg Curl
Single Stack Freedom Trainer - F3FT

Nautilus Residential

Challenger Treadmill - 5.0

* Images may not be identical to the part.


I wanted to thank you for the excellent customer service. The outstanding service was evident from the beginning, with assistance in identifying specific parts that I needed and continued through to a separate need to return an unneeded part. I truly appreciate the fast, friendly and efficient support.

Gary B.

Thanks for the email are " the best " ! Again thank you for the communications...
John C W
