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Label, S/N, Non-Powered, Primary, Core H&F

List Price: $1.80 / each

Online Price: $1.75 / each


Out of Stock. (Explain)

Catalog Number: 13010318

Label, S/N, Non-Powered, Primary, Core H&F

Used on the following models:

Nautilus Commercial (Core Fitness)

Adjustable Abdominal Bench - NP-B7510-XXXXX
Arm Curl Bench - NP-B7515-XXXXX
Biceps Curl - 9NP-L5002-XXXXX
Chest Press - NA-S6301-XXXXX
Chest Press - NL-D5120-29AGS
Chest Press - NL-D6330-29AGS
Chin Dip Assist - NA-S6334-XXXXX
Dip Leg Raise Bench - NP-B7517-XXXXX
Hack Squat (Linear) - NP-L1130-XXXXX
High Row - 9NP-L3005-XXXXX
Incline Chest Press - 9NP-L2003-XXXXX_B
Incline Chest Press - NL-D2120-29AGS
Incline Chest Press - NL-D3340-29AGS
Inspiration Glute / Ham - NP-B7520
Leg Curl - NL-S1010-29AGS
Leg Curl - NL-S1012-29AGS
Leg Curl - NL-S2100-29AGS
Leg Curl - NL-S3310-29AGS
Leg Extension - NL-D1014-29AGS
Leg Extension - NL-D2110-29AGS
Low Row - NA-S3306-XXXXX
Military Press - NL-S4100-29AGS

Military Press - NL-S5100-29AGS
Multi Adjust Bench - (NP-B7506)
Multi Five Station - 9NP-M9605-XXXXX
Multi Fourteen Station - 9NP-M9620-XXXXX
Multi Nine Station - 9NP-M9619-XXXXX
NN 2 Tier Dumbbell Rack - NN-R8001-29AAS
NN 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack - NN-R8002-29AAS
NP-R8010-XXAAX - (Rev. B)
Oly. Squat Rack - NP-R8008-XXAAX
Olympic Flat Bench - NN-B7503-29AGS
Olympic Incline Bench - NN-B7201-29AGS
Pec Fly/Rear Deltoid - NA-S4304-XXXXX
Prone Leg Curl - NA-S1301-XXXXX
Rotary Torso - NL-S1011-29AGS
Row - NL-S3320-29AGS
Seated Calf - 9NP-L1110
Smith Machine - NP-L8500-XXAAX
Tricep Extension - NL-S5110-29AGS
Triple Dumbell Rack - NP-R8011-XXAAX

Nautilus Residential

Chest Press - 9NP-l2002-XXXXX



Air Fit Upper Body - 9-4570-MINTP0

AirFit UB

Star Trac

Flat Bench - B7507

Leg Curl - NA-S1313-XXXXX

Volume Discounts: (How do I qualify?)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3




Save Up to $0.18 off List Price of $1.80.

* Images may not be identical to the part.


It is nice to find the parts you are looking for them. A lot of other sites don't have parts for older equipment.

Joe C Jr

Motor was in stock & shipped right away. The price was competitive, in fact the motor & shipping was equal to the price @ other vendors for the motor only. The order arrived in short order and the protective packaging was some of the best I have seen. The tread mill, again, works great. THANX

Altmar, NY
